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Blog Template - Top 4 ways to get the most out of a being a summit speaker (1)

The Top 4 Ways to Get The Most Out Of Being A Summit Speaker

So you want to get the most out of the summit you are speaking at? Here are 4 ways you can do that You’ve been invited to be a speaker at the summit that everyone's talking about.  Very exciting! Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or brand new to speaking, participating in a summit could be an amazing opportunity to get in front of the people in your niche.  It does however take time and energy to prepare and participate in something like this.  But, if you do it the right way, you’ll be able to reap the sweet benefits for...

Want to host a summit that’ll WOW your guests? Here’s how…

"No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself.” - Andrew Carnagie Are you wearing too many business hats?  I get it. You’re a business owner, which means that you want everything to be perfect and run smoothly within your business.  That includes the amazing summit that you’re planning on hosting.  But did you know that doing it all by yourself is actually decreasing the likelihood of your summit’s success?  Think about it…  There simply isn’t enough time during the day for you to plan a summit while also completing all the business tasks that...
5 Star Customer Experience .

How to Create a Five-Star Customer Experience

What's the one thing that makes your business stand out amongst competitors?  If you’re thinking that it’s competitive prices or additional business hours, you’d be mistaken.  Don’t get me wrong - while both those things have their place, there’s one thing that takes the trophy when it comes to standing out: Creating a five-star customer experience.  Think about it…  If your customer experience is on point, it’ll give your clients the WOW factor - which will result in them coming back for more, and referring others to you.  With that being said, let’s jump right into 5 elements that’ll help...
Website Success Simply Digital Design Website Example

Website Planning for Website Success (in 2021)

So you’re finally ready to build your website’s success this year. You’ve done your research and you know the amazing benefits that a well-planned website has to offer your business.  Whether you’re a business owner just starting, or a recognized professional in your industry simply wanting to attract more customers by improving your website, you’ll want to stick around.  Because we’ll be showing you the exact steps you need to take to set your website up for success this year. But first, we want you to take a moment and just think... What’s the most important element of business?  The...
Website Content

Create Your Website Content Strategy that Converts

In this article, you will learn how to focus the content of your website to increase your website’s conversion rate. As well as the importance of great content. One of the hardest things when planning out your new website or website re-design is the content for the site. Even hiring a copywriter to do this for you can be a difficult task, as you still need to guide them in what you want your website to say and the message you want to send to potential new clients. Getting clear on your branding, as done in the previous chapter, takes...

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