How to Set Up Effective Event Goals and Objectives for Your Virtual Summit

How to Set Up Effective Event Goals and Objectives for Your Virtual Summit

Your success lies in the goals you set. 

Because, in reality… 

Without goals, your business has no guidance, no finish line, and no purpose. 

The same goes for your virtual summit. Setting up effective event goals and objectives for your summit can mean the difference between your business achieving massive success, or staying stagnant. 

With that being said, let’s go ahead and set up your summit goals.

How to set up event goals and objectives for your virtual summit:

Before you can choose your summit goals, you first need to consider the areas of transformation that a summit has to offer. There are 3 main areas for transformation… 

Your business, your speakers, and your attendees:

Your Business

Consider how you want the summit to transform you and your business. Do you want to:

  • Get more eyes on your business? 
  • Generate revenue and profit? 
  • Grow your customer base?
  • Build trust with your audience?

In other words, here you need to think about what you would like the summit to help you achieve. 

Without goals, your business has no guidance, no finish line, and no purpose. The same goes for your virtual summit event.

Your Speakers

Examine how the summit will transform your speakers. Will it:

  • Give them more visibility? 
  • Help grow their email list? 
  • Give them affiliate payouts? 
  • Grow their sales through their linked funnel on the presentation page? 

By determining this, you’ll be able to easily convince speakers to be a part of your summit which will help in your networking efforts

Before you can choose your summit goals, you first need to consider the areas of transformation that a summit has to offer.

Your Attendees

Determine how you want your summit to transform your attendees’ lives or businesses. Do you want to help them: 

  • Grow in an area of their personal lives? 
  • Enhance their business processes? 
  • Improve their professional skills? 
  • Teach them how to grow their businesses? 

At the end of the day, the success of your summit greatly depends on your attendees. So you need to figure out what’s in it for them – and make it worth their while. 

At the end of the day, the success of your summit greatly depends on your attendees. So you need to figure out what’s in it for them - and make it worth their while.

By knowing exactly how you would like your summit to transform your business, your speakers, and your attendees, choosing your summit goals will be so much easier since you’ll know what your main aim is.

So, what are the summit goals and which ones should you focus on?

Now I know you may be tempted to choose all of the goals that are listed below. Because, “more goals mean more success, right?”


By choosing fewer goals, you’ll be much more likely to achieve them since you won’t get overworked and overwhelmed. You’ll also have a much clearer vision of what you would like the end results of your summit to look like – making it easier to measure your summit’s success.  

Choose 3 of the following goals that are most relevant to what you want to achieve:

Profit goal

Choosing a profit goal means that you’ll be focusing on the amount of money that your virtual summit generates for you. 

Therefore, you’ll be measuring the success of your summit by looking at the profit that you made by selling your All-Access Pass, as well as sponsorships (if applicable). 

List growth goal

Choosing a list growth goal means that you’re more interested in growing your email list than you are in generating profit from your summit. Why would you choose this goal? 

Because email marketing is powerful and can lead to massive future profits for your business. In fact, research shows that the average return for every $1 spent on email marketing is $42 (DMA, 2019).  

Authority goal

If you want more than anything else to become a leader in your industry, then this is the goal for you. 

By making the main goal of your summit authority-based, you’ll focus on networking with leaders in your industry which will get your foot in the door. 

Creating a Community or FB Group 

If you’d like to use your summit to help you grow an online community (whether it be a Facebook group or any other online platform), then your summit will mainly focus on creating an online community platform that focuses on the topic surrounding your summit. 

The great thing about building a community is that it creates loyalty and also continues to grow even after your summit has long since passed. 

Brand awareness

If you simply want your business to get noticed by your ideal customers then this means that the main goal of your virtual summit should be brand awareness. 

For brand awareness, you’ll focus on getting as many eyes on your summit as possible to ensure that your ideal buyers become aware of who you are and what you offer.

Launch goal

Choosing a launch goal means that you’re simply using your summit as a “springboard” for launching your related course or offer on the backend. 

Therefore, your main focus will be on getting people interested in your other offers by providing them with maximum value in your summit.  
If you’d like to see what realistic summit goals look like, I’ve got you covered! Head over to this article to read all about setting realistic summit goals regardless of your audience size.

What’s Next

Now that you know how to set up effective event goals and objectives, you can go ahead and choose the three summit goals that suit your business’ needs best. 

Your summit goals will guide your entire planning process and will also help you make better decisions in choosing the right technology and tools to help you set up your summit with ease. 

Need help crafting your summit goals? Book our Kickstart Your Successful Summit Intensive or a Free Call to see how we can help you not only set up great goals but also experience massive summit success.  

Anchen le Roux

Owner and Lead Developer at Simply Digital Design. Lover of WordPress & the WP-Community. Passionate about simple, green and nomadic living. WCJHB Organiser and Founder of the Great WordPress Virtual Summit

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