We appreciate your feedback! Feedback Form How would you rate your overall experience working with us?54321What were some of the hesitations you had about working with us?What ultimately made you decide to hire us?Before working with us, what were you struggling with most in your business?After working with us, how were your struggles diminished or eliminated?Did you find the pre-intensive emails and requirements to be clear & straightforward?What did you like best about working with us or What was your favorite part of the day?What could we have done differently/better to improve our work together?Would you recommend my services? Why and to whom?What would you say to someone who is considering hiring us for a Development Done in a Day Experiene??Can we use your feedback as a testimonial or case study?* YES NO Can I use your profile photo for a testimonial or case study? Please upload as consent.Max. file size: 2 GB.Anything else you want to say?Name* First Last Email*