Take the first step towards a professional online presence today

Let's create a branding package that works for you

Basic OR Full Branding

Clients need to complete this form for the branding process to begin

  • Business Details

    Please provide your business details as it should appear on your business collateral e.g. business cards/letterheads

    Most fields are optional so please leave any fields blank that you do not want to include.
  • Write down your business name as it should appear in your logo.
  • Only include a tagline if you already have one that is an essential part of the business branding and that you want to include in the logo or in a logo variation.
  • Price: $85.00
    WaterMark Logo (Written in a nice font)with Colour palette based on Brand Strategy
  • Price: $170.00
    Full Logo with Colour palette and font choices based on Brand Strategy
  • Details for Brand Elements

    Please record the exact details that need to be included on a business card, email signature or letterhead.
  • (Only if you have an existing website - please leave blank if you don't have a registered domain name)
  • Social Media Profiles

    Where can people find you online? Please place the relevant link in the box below. Leave the field empty if you are not currently using that specific platform.
  • Your Business

  • Try to sum up the goals + mission of your business in one sentence. Make sure to include what your business has to offer, how people benefit from your service/product as well as what you aim to achieve and/or what impact you aim to make.
  • How do you want people to feel when they interact with your brand? Example: Safe and secure, edgy and excited, exclusive and cool, like they belong?
  • Who are we designing for?

    Let's take a closer look at your clients.
  • Consider as much detail as possible e.g. favourite social media channels, culture, geography, likes/dislikes, lifestyle, etc.
  • Please also list your top competitor websites.
  • Design Concept

  • Please list links to logos/websites/brands that you like (they do not have to be from the same industry) and give a short description of why they are appealing to you.
  • $0.00

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