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Designing a Logo: Essential Things to Keep in Mind – Logo Design Post 2

Designing a Logo: Essential Things to Keep in Mind Designing a logo can be a challenging thing to do if you are a beginner designer or just wanting to do it for your own startup. Surely, you will be looking for an attractive logo for your company because we all know that it is one of the most essential parts of a website or branding to attract customers. To guide you with your logo designing journey, we have prepared you a list of things that you should keep in mind before you create the logo for your company, business, or...

Why is a well-designed Logo Important for Business? – Logo design post 1

”A picture is worth a thousand words.” This is a famous line that simply proves how visually oriented we all are. One picture could explain almost half of the story. It could also portray ideas in an efficient manner. With this, logos is considered as one of the most important aspect in any business. Want to know more?   Let’s try this. Within 30 seconds, how many companies do you think you could recall for each question below? Companies that you are very familiar with as well as their logos Companies you know but you can’t remember their logo Logos...

Guide for First-Time Guest Bloggers

One of the prerequisites of a good website is well-thought over content, but creating new posts for your website is not enough to gain attention now that thousands of websites overflow the web. To spice things up a little Bloggers like to bring in fresh ideas by asking guest to post on their blogs. From the guest bloggers point of view, to attract more viewers to their website and increase traffic, writers do not only rely on keywords, they do guest posting on other blogs. Guest posting is not as easy as you think it to be. There is more to...

Important First Steps: Your Website, Social Media and Client Relations

The following is an excerpt from the free eBook From No-Tech to High-Tech Entrepreneur. To get your full  copy go here or add your details in the right hand side!   Step 1 Your Website! Any high-tech entrepreneur understands only too well that developing a solid online presence is vital to building a successful business, and the first step in building your business is to develop a well-designed, intuitive site to help boost conversions and facilitate a well-integrated customer service strategy. While many business owners question the need for a website, particularly as social media is such an enormous advantage to online...

Why Do You Want to Build a List?

This may seem like a pointless question.  You know you have to build a list because that is where the money is. Or at least that is what you have heard.  But you don’t really know it firsthand.  You just know you should be building a list, and you figure that once you build your list, you can make it profitable.   But it doesn’t really work that way.  You see, you need to know why you want your list.  Who are you going to put on your list?  Are they going to be buyers or freebie seekers, are they...

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