How Article Marketing Works


Article marketing involves the writing of short internet based articles for the purpose of submitting them to online article directories which will publish the articles as content for their own websites and offer the articles as content for other websites. One of the keys to article marketing is creating an author bio which includes at least one link to your website, and is generally placed at the end of your article. This link is one of the most critical components of the article marketing strategy, as that link will drive the bulk of the traffic that is central to just about any article marketing purpose.

When you submit your articles to an online article directory, they will first approve or disapprove the article based on its quality and relevance to the theme of their website. In most cases, if the articles are written with decent language and grammar, are written about a topic that is included in their directory (and there are many that are general-purpose), and contain reputable content of just about any kind that is legal, the article directories will generally publish the articles. When they do not, many of the article directories will send you an email indicating why they have rejected your article, and by studying the rejections, you can determine what changes you need to make to get your articles to the point that they are generally accepted and published.

Once your article is approved and published, it will be available online the world over for search engines to see and index, for humans to access and read, and for other webmasters to use as content for their own websites.

Many of the article directories also use RSS feeds that allow other webmasters to automatically update their own websites with the content from the article directories (including your own articles).

The net result of this article writing and submission process is that, depending on which and to how many article directories you submit your articles, not only does your article move through the internet at an astounding pace, but the link which you have included in the bio section of your article also propagates throughout the internet.

Anchen le Roux

Owner and Lead Developer at Simply Digital Design. Lover of WordPress & the WP-Community. Passionate about simple, green and nomadic living. WCJHB Organiser and Founder of the Great WordPress Virtual Summit

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