Five Steps To Build A Targeted Email List


The following is an excerpt from the free eBook From No-Tech to High-Tech Entrepreneur. To get your full  copy go here or add your details in the right hand side!


If you’re just starting an e-commerce business, you want to make sure to maximize each visitor and lead your website generates. Through email marketing, you can do this for less than most other marketing channels with just some time, creativity, consistency and discipline. All those targeted emails you don’t want, and even some of the ones you do want, are coming from companies that have placed you on their email lists. A strong email list coupled with a creative email marketing strategy can be one of the best ways to generate more revenue for your existing customers while attracting new business from leads and prospects interested in your products and services.

You can do all this in five easy steps.


STEP 1 – Identify your target audience of potential buyers. Know who your likely buyers will be by analyzing information about the people who have bought similar products and services to what you offer. Gather all the demographic information available on that group. If the market needs are met by what you are selling, you know these are people to pursue as likely buyers. Your ultimate priority is to increase the amount of value your business provides to a specific audience. This will create a loyal fan base that consistently buys from you.


STEP 2 – Create a reason for targeted buyers to join your email list. Try offering a gift, freebie, or other incentive your targeted audience would get by signing up for your list. The more valuable the giveaway is, the more likely the consumer will be to sign up. Prizes could range from ebooks to webinars to gift cards. Be sure to set up prizes in a way that not only adds incentive to the consumer, but also shows off other items for sale.


STEP 3 – Create a lead capture page. Lead capture pages are usually called a landing page, squeeze page, opt in page, opt in boxes or pop up page. The purpose of these pages is to ask for the consumer’s email address in exchange for the free sign up gift. A compelling, attractive landing page is key to gaining sign ups – it is the customer’s first impression of you. When you create the opt-in box, make sure it’s easily visible and asks for as little information from the customer as possible. Sharing a privacy policy, disclaimer and satisfaction guarantee will establish trust and result in more customers signing up for your email list.


STEP 4 – Invest in a good email management program. You can create auto responders with programs such as Mailchimp and Aweber. Make sure your landing page is linked to your CMS (Client management System) or Email System with an automated “thank you for signing up” email already set up. a email plan set up with your follow up emails automatically set up.


STEP 5 – Drive traffic to your landing page. You can drive web traffic to your landing page by using pinterest, twitter, linkedin, google+ and facebook. Place online ads where appropriate. When emailing potential customers, make sure you put details about your freebie and a link to where they can sign up in your email signature. You can also make a short video about your freebie and upload it to YouTube.


Maintaining an email list is easier and less expensive than if you tried to reach the same target audience via regular mail. A marketing email can be created in hours and reach millions of people in minutes. You can design a marketing plan in response to something your competition released and get it out to your customers faster than with standard mail. On the down side, it is common for people to receive several marketing emails a day from various companies they may or may not have given their contact information to. Because of this, they might delete your email as unimportant before they even take the time to read it. If you use a bulk emailing program, your marketing email could get caught in the recipient’s spam folder. Remember the client is always right. You are looking to gain their business. It is therefore important to have a proper List Building System with landing page or as part of your website.

Anchen le Roux

Owner and Lead Developer at Simply Digital Design. Lover of WordPress & the WP-Community. Passionate about simple, green and nomadic living. WCJHB Organiser and Founder of the Great WordPress Virtual Summit

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