Facebook Ads: What Every Business Owner Needs to Know


In today’s online business world, effective marketing strategies are needed to stand out and reach the goals you have set for your business – be it a startup or a company which already is making a name online. Utilizing social media tools and platforms is one of the strategies which help business owners to reach more audience and create better results.

One interesting and effective marketing strategies business owners are investing in is creating Facebook ads. Undeniably, Facebook is the most commonly used social media platform in business since it is user-friendly and integrates well with both personal and business-related matters. However, using Facebook for personal objectives is different from utilizing it for business purposes.

Every business owner (especially small businesses who are struggling to gain online visibility)must learn and understand first how Facebook ads work, how they are to be set up and what benefits they can bring.

Why Do Small Business Need Facebook Ads?

Here are the main reasons why small businesses need Facebook advertising.

  • It’s easy and user-friendly. Last March, Facebook has introduced a new ad structure which is well-classified so that business can easily manage, optimize and better analyze their ads. Facebook ads offer improved optimization, better reporting, and various options to pick the right audience.
  • Reaching More Audience. Almost all people and companies nowadays have their own Facebook accounts, right? And with those billions who are active FB users, just imagine how huge the audience you can reach if you do have an ad for your product and services! Just compare it with the traditional way of advertising, using Facebook is truly more awesome.
  • You can reach your target audience. With Facebook ads, you can’t just reach a huge audience, but you can actually target the niche or the specific audience you believe will be interested for your products. Research showed that Facebook ads can help you achieve 90% of targeting accuracy!
  • It integrates well with Mobiles. Not all FB account users are using desktops. An increasing number is taking advantage of the convenience mobile phones can bring. And the good thing is – FB ads also appear and work with mobiles.


Factors to Consider When Doing Facebook Ads

Before spending a dime for any marketing strategy for your business, it’s always a must to understand and apply some important factors. So, if you’re planning to create Facebook ads for your business, consider the following:

  • Establish your goal. What is your main objective? Do you want to gain more visits to your website or you just want to build fan engagement with more FB likes? Whichever is one, you must set an objective so that you can apply it when designing your campaign.
  • Select a zone of audience you are targeting. Remember, people and business with the same interests of yours will be the ones who are the best target. Are you in jewelry business, or DIY, or website development field? With Facebook ads targeting features, it can be easier to find your target appropriately and join the same niches they are in.
  • Also, you can narrow down your target by specifying their location, age, sex and other information.
  • Make a clear message and clean, enticing design for your ad. Your text and images to be used for your ads count. People who will view your ad will be more interested if they find your message clear and appealing. Depending upon a product, sometimes, it’s more effective to ask than to tell. Make the message brief, informative and enticing.
  • Include a call to action. It’s important to include a call to action within with the body text of the Facebook ad to encourage FB users to take your desired action. Example: clicking to access a free Ebook, a free coupon or an online course, or you can redirect them to your website.
  • Determine your budget to spend for the FB ads. It’s always important to consider the amount to be spent for every paid advertisement. This is done by allocating portions of your budget depending on the kind of Facebook ads you will be running.
  • Go Mobile. Business owners and a lot of prospects are using mobile phones when they go online. So take advantage of mobile apps that can be used in building your Facebook ads.


With all the above-mentioned, you can have the edge of promoting your business’ products and services online. All you have to do is to set it right and you’ll have great results!

Anchen le Roux

Owner and Lead Developer at Simply Digital Design. Lover of WordPress & the WP-Community. Passionate about simple, green and nomadic living. WCJHB Organiser and Founder of the Great WordPress Virtual Summit

2 thoughts on “Facebook Ads: What Every Business Owner Needs to Know”

  1. Yesterday, I started to create my first ad and found that you can’t save ads without using the Power Editor. (Apparently, that will change soon.) Today, I tried to use the Power Editor and found it mostly incomprehensible. Not easy for a newcomer to Facebook ads! I’ll get there, but it’s quite a hurdle to overcome at first.

  2. Hi Ellen, Yes placing adds can sometimes be very confusing. Especially when Facebook changes the rules and your ad gets rejected. I agree with you regarding Power Editor. To be honest, even though I am aware of the limitations, I mostly just post a post and then promote it as an ad. This is the quickest way for me, I still have the targeting etc available without going through all the loops and in that way the post will always be available to promote again. Might not really be the most superior way just something that makes things easier for me.

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