How to Get Inbound Links to Your Site


First of all, just about any method that gets another website to link into you, except for unethical methods, will increase your link count. It is however true that the more popular or higher ranking the website is the better.

I am going to briefly touch on what you should NOT do, then I will tell you what you SHOULD do, and then teach you how to get each of the kinds of inbound links I list.


What You Should NOT to Do Get Inbound Links:


Some background: over time, web masters have done some things to try to trick the search engines into thinking that they have more inbound links than they really should have, for example, joining together with hundreds of other web sites and linking to each other. This is called link farming, and any web site that does that will generally be banned by the search engines.


And then other web masters will try to buy links on other web sites – hundreds of links at a time.  So the search engines will generally penalize a web site that gets too many links at one time.


So the two things you should never do is pay some web site to get you hundreds or thousands of links, especially if they are going to come in overnight, and you should never join any kind of link farm or link building network of web sites.


I am also cautious to ever use any kind of link exchange service, although if it is done very carefully, it is probably OK.


But I am going to give you the ability to get hundreds of inbound links using legitimate methods, so there is no reason to even think about doing the kinds of things that will get your web site banned in google.


Legitimate Ways to Get Links


Here is a list of legitimate ways to get inbound links;


1)  Exchange links with other web sites, one by one


2)  Create an opportunity for other web sites to link to you


3)  Offer testimonials of others’ products (and include a link to your web site in the testimonial)


4)  Write articles and have them posted to other web sites


5)  Submit your web site url to the various online web directories


6)  Post your link in the various forums online that are related to your web site’s subject matter


7)  Write press releases and submit them to the press release companies.


These are the primary methods of generating inbound links.


Each of these methods is highly effective.  None of them require any special software or fees to any other company, and they can all be done by you, for practically no cost at all.


Using these methods, you can easily get up to 1000 inbound links to your web site, and practically guarantee you a top ten search result in any keyword you choose.


Keep in mind, getting 1000 inbound links will take time.  At the rate of 1 per day, it would take you 3 years.  At the rate of 3 per day, it would take you one year.


But the nice thing is, you probably don’t need 1000 inbound links – 50 or 100 will probably be enough, depending on your niche.


Anchen le Roux

Owner and Lead Developer at Simply Digital Design. Lover of WordPress & the WP-Community. Passionate about simple, green and nomadic living. WCJHB Organiser and Founder of the Great WordPress Virtual Summit

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